Vayu Sense

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Vayu Sense in action

Vayu Sense in action video 1Vayu Sense in action video 2
Vayu Sense Point Cloud

The best point cloud at the lowest cost

Not only is the cost of Vayu Sense the same as a typical camera, but the capabilities are better than even the best, most expensive lidar sensors on the market.

Vayu Sense vs. Camera

  • Depth at every pixel
  • Better depth accuracy
  • Derived velocity at every pixel
  • Performance in adverse weather
  • Better low-light performance
  • Higher dynamic range

Vayu Sense vs. Lidar

  • 10x angular resolution
  • 2x frame rate
  • 50x lower cost
  • Higher reliability
  • 5x lower power consumption
  • Ability to detect low SNR objects